Journal – Legal Articles & Firm News

Journal – Legal Articles & Firm News2023-11-08T16:18:45+00:00

How Should South Carolina Employers Respond to Allegations of Workplace Discrimination?

March 1st, 2021|Employment|

Allegations of workplace discrimination can be disruptive for employers. They can also be incredibly costly. Several South Carolina and federal laws protect employees against discrimination in the workplace, and companies that are accused of violating [...]

What Policies Do South Carolina Employers Need in Order to Mitigate Their Risk Effectively?

February 1st, 2021|Employment|

For companies in South Carolina, one of the most-effective ways to mitigate against the risk of employment-related liability is to establish and implement appropriate policies and procedures. In order to serve their intended purpose, these [...]

What Do South Carolina Employers Need to Know about Discrimination in the Workplace in 2020?

November 1st, 2020|Employment|

For employers in South Carolina, allegations of discrimination in the workplace present significant risks. Not only can substantiated allegations lead to civil liability, but accusations of disparate treatment of similarly-situated employees can harm companies’ public [...]

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